
Lots of Deer

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 8-5-2020
Click the Pic to enlarge

By some freak incredible un-natural act of nature the OFM was up early and ready to start his walk.  Spur-454 was chosen from the several available places and away we went.

Sierra mentioned something about it being early and the rest of the Team agreed. The OFM set a nice pace down to the boat ramp to start the event. Then we headed up the ramp to the entry road. already we were seeing lots of white tail deer messing around and the sun was not up yet.

Just as we topped the ramp entrance the sun showed up for us to enjoy.

And just so it would not be left out the man in the moon hollered at us to take his picture also. So we did.

Then we continued on the walk. As we passed a small cliff on the left, we paused to check out the nice scenery. 

Notice the white flowers near the bottom of the picture.

There was one of them by itself near us at the road edge. The bloom was bigger around than the OFM’s whole hand. We have no memory of ever seeing this kind of flower that big before, but it is Texas isn’t it.

From this point we had a nice two mile walk that started at 77F and finished at 84F.  Both temps are curtesy of Sierra. All along the walk there were deer romping around. The later walks seldom see so many deer.

Some more info we had been waiting on came in this afternoon and a choice was made to stay here in Del Rio for another month to give the C-19 flu time to get more docile before we set out for Alabama.

With a great walk this morning and important info coming in, we have definitely had a good day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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