
L&R Knee Discussion

 Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas

Adventure Date: 8-22-2020

Click the Pic to enlarge

Mr. L Knee and R. Knee had a discussion with the OFM yesterday evening about a rest day for some healing. It seems that they were not getting enough rest with the every morning miles.  So after some polite but spirited discussion, the OFM agreed to a day off from the walks. Both the knees were ecstatic at the rest time and made great use of it.

In the mean time the OFM used the rest day to color some more of a cactus page in his coloring book.  Only this time the coloring is with watercolor pencil mainly.  Colored pencil is much better for small details so it is being used in appropriate spots.

The OFM also got busy and lined up the four camping reservations for the trip to Grandkid land.  It is still too hot along I-20 to Alabama for dry camping at the rest areas so Teams settled for electric sites to run the AC. As Mr. Gumo pointed out a few weeks ago, in HOT weather it is money well spent.

So how about jumping off cliffs into the lake water. That sounds like fun or stupidity doesn’t it. Here is a picture taken a few days ago of a popular spot for folks to leap off the cliff into the lake water.

Notice the shadow of a shallow boulder to the left of the jumping spot.  The water to the right is about 20 feet deep we were told. The water to the left over the boulder is about 8 feet deep we were told. We are very happy to NOT participate in this FUN. Remember this is a fool that jumped out of perfectly good helicopters in Viet Nam and slid down 200 feet of rope and thought it was fun during training. It was not so much fun when it was the real air combat assault events.

How about a good evening sunset and kayaker picture?  

We thought this picture turned out pretty nice of a paddler trying to have tooooo much fun late in the evening.

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