
Better Here

 Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 8-28-2020
Click the Pic to enlarge

The OFM knew he had chores to do today so no walks were taken. Right after breakfast we got busy on changing the anode rod in the water heater.  Usually we managed to spray and splatter water all over the campsite.  However, today it went very nice and neatly with little water other than the washout water being splattered around.

The anode rod was removed and the usual corrosion stuff came flowing out with the water.  It only took three more rinses to get all the residue out of the water tank.  Here is what the old rod looked like.  

It was only half used up so we put the new one in anyway. We do not want to risk eating out a water heater tank.

Next on the list was drain, flush and sanitize the fresh water tank. So the OFM crawled slightly under the Castle and opened the drain valve. The water coming out after sitting in the tank for five months straight look fresh and clean. 

 We finished the drain, flush and sanitize procedure we use and cleaned up the tools and equipment from the two procedures.

During this time we remembered a couple of RV things that we had been meaning to acquire before we pull out. So we grabbed a cap and headed to Sierra to go to Walmart.  Hopped into Sierra, inserted the key, turned it to the sound of complete silence. Not even a click Brrrrrr.

OK. Better here than out on the road.

A few minutes of charging and Sierra reluctantly started up. So we left Sierra running and put the charger away. Then we got our warranty paperwork from the files and headed to Walmart.

When we pulled in to the service bay the nice fellow said go ahead and turn it off. He thought we were there for a lube job. When I told he what was wrong, he said OK he would move it to the next bay and gave me the work order tag.

To our surprise a nice fellow went to work on Sierra immediately.  Nobody seemed to want to see my receipt from when the battery was installed 23 months ago. It turned out the battery has a serial number that told them every thing they needed to know.  About thirty minutes later the service fellow told me the old battery was bad and the new one would be ready to go in a few minutes when their “verifying” computer said the battery was ready. Sure enough we were soon on our way with no cost other than our time waiting. We were back to the Castle at 1210. It certainly was good service.

Now all that is left to do before we roll is check air pressure on the Castle’s tires. Then we will be ready to roll out looking for somewhere for tooooo much fun again.

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