
Nature Trail

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 4-02-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Can you remember back to the TV show “The Twilight Zone”. It had a lot of interesting story lines.  The OFM was considering things today and this thought popped into his head. 

If they had a new TV show on and it was named “The Twilight Zone Comedy” what sort of story lines would be on it?  We bet it could be weird.

OK enough of that. Let’s go for a walk on the Nature Trail.  The entrance is located at the far right corner of the main  parking lot of the Diablo East Boat Launch.

As we enter the trail you will notice it runs along the top of a ridge. It goes out to the end of the ridge and makes a loop. Along the way is all sorts of desert plants that may or may not be in bloom at any time.

We are lucky today and we soon see a cactus in bloom. These are very pretty blooms and at times the whole cactus is covered in them. Occasionally the red blossom will be in a purplish red color or sometimes a bit more orange. They are always fun to see each year.

Here is the sign telling you a bit more information on the plant.

If you look around carefully you will see all sorts of plants trying to survive. Be assured that there are lots of rodents and rodent eaters living among all this vegetation. Even deer will be seen in this area frequently. 

The trail wye looms ahead.

From here take either branch and you will come back to this point when the trail loops back. 

Note the vegetation line at the top of the white rock slopes  above the water. That line is approximately the full lake line.  We have not seen it at that level in several years.  The water in this lake is for downstream irrigation of vegetable crops.  This year the rains have been scarce to lots of water is headed for South Texas and the Rio Grande Valley farmers.

Tomorrow we will explore the loop and part of one of the “slopes”.  In the mean time, grab a big drink of water and lets head back on UP the slope to the entrance of the trail. The Teams always like this trail as a way of exercise and trying to have tooooo much fun.

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