

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:04-25-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It has been a warm but pleasant day.  The morning started with a brisk walk in the cool air on the desert walking path here in the park. The OFM body did very well and no oopsies happened. That was a great mile and a half.

Sierra is bored today because we have not gone any place on wheels. The OFM has been trying to make decisions about travel when the chains are released by the so called authorities. No decisions were made but lots of information was gathered.  We have a neighbor planning on leaving on the first of May for Arkansas. We plan to be here until the rent runs out on May 9 as a minimum. It could be a madhouse on the roads if the chains come off and all the pent up energy explodes onto the roads at the same instant.

A nice painting/drawing was completed this afternoon. Friends is its name. 

It is part colored pencil and part watercolor pencil. It looks like the two different types of pencils got along decently to us. That painting was a nice way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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