
Bug Bite

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:04-08-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Something had to happen exercise wise or The Old Fat Man was going to go berserk.  So Sierra revved up the engine to invite us to a hilly walk at the Diablo East Boat Ramp and Marina. OFM agreed and away we went.

Sierra got parked sort of in the middle of all of the parking lots and away we went. The cactus were blooming very well as you will see. The surprise was the heavy amount of fragrances floating all over the area. The sun was out in great force but the air was a modest 80F.  So it was a warm but pleasant hike up and down the hills.

Lots of very fragrant flowers were lounging around the area showing off some really fine flowers. This one was still pink but would likely change to yellow in the next few days.

Somewhere along the walk was this triple bloom of excellent fragrance calling out for the honey bees to come get them.  The bees were also an abundant species today.

Speaking of insects, yesterday some critter that looked like a big black ant starting to devour the OFM. When the OFM looked at his left arm a trickle of blood was running down his sweaty arm and the pain was escalating.  The OFM knocked the 3/16“ long critter loose and it was holding a small chunk of OFM skin in its jaws.  Good Grief. That is now officially a “squashed critter”.  The 1/8“ diameter hole was washed with drinking water.

A few minutes later the arm started to have a swollen spot about three inches long and a 1 1/2 “ wide.  Yep it hurt. More treatment was done last night and it was less nasty today.  As of this evening the swelling and pain is gone, but the redness is about the size of a fifty cent piece. We think the OFM is going to live.

Back today's walk.  There was one yellow blossom we spotted from about 84.639 miles away.  It was glowing very yellow like it had lights inside it. When the OFM hop skipped and jumped down the trail to it, the flower posed for a picture.

The picture does not do it justice for the GLOW that came from it. It had a big WOW factor.

We then were making out way back UP the hill to Sierra the clouds did some clearing and the OFM stopped to take this vista of this little finger of the lake.


The lake is now a little over 40 feet low. So in the near future we will be needing to take a ride over to see if we can see one of the formerly submerged Devils River Dams. There is always lots to do for having tooooo much fun.

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