
Bottom Muck

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:04-14-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It was a nice afternoon yesterday so the Teams decided a nice walk down to the lake bottom would be good. The Team piled into Sierra and headed for 277 North Campground road. The campground is closed and the road into it and on past to the old bridge is legitimate for walking in the Recreation Area.  It will give us a mile and a half walk down to the old bridge and back to Sierra.

We parked right at the locked gate. Water and the walking stick were gathered and away we went. It was a nice down hill walk to the bridge. This road used to be US Hwy 277 before Lake Amistad came into being. The walk down the hill was very nice and we eventually arrived at the bridge and looked back up the hill.

Looking west at the newer stretch of 277 and the high bridge reminds the OFM that the lake is down about 41 feet from full. The old bridge has about 30 feet of water over it at full lake level.

The lake bottom is not ready for meandering yet. The crust on top is dry but when it breaks through it will be a mess probably  knee deep. We will wait for another time.

You can see where the critters have been sinking into the muck.  

We had a nice look around and tested the crust on the mud at a few locations. Nope.  So we grabbed our stuff and started the nice long walk up the hill to Sierra. About half way back the OFM noticed a tree covered in pink blossoms.  We guess it is mesquite but do not really know.

When we reached Sierra the OFM knees were only whimpering instead of screaming, so maybe they are healing a little bit. That would be really nice.

Today is running to a mite too chilly for our preference.  It feels really nice inside as a place for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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