
Nothing Special Day


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 8-20-2022

Well what a change from yesterday. First thing this morning was a trip to the grocery store for food since the OFM forgot to go yesterday. Next thing was a walk in spite of a slightly twisted ankle giving a bit of pain. The walk was significantly shortened and slowed down for pace. The good news is that the ankle feels fully healed tonight.

During the day we had a rain squall come through and drop us a good rain for the vegetation. And we got in a lot of colored pencil work learning. Just for grins the OFM also pulled out the watercolor pencils and did a bit of messing things up on a picture.

Then we put a new header picture on the blog.

And that is just about all there was to today for trying to have tooooo much fun. I hope every one had a nice day.


  1. Glad you took it easy on the ankle. I look forward to seeing a painting of the bobber blossom tree. Surely that will be in your list of things to paint.

  2. And a nice picture it is too!

  3. Letting Ankles heal while finding ways to pass the time sounds like a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Just saw your comment on Mayfield Bunch. You could take a couple of days off you know, just say, back in a while, taking a break, and then nobody would worry. And most of us would check back later. And then, if it seemed to long, try to roust you out. Ha.

    1. Maybe it was The Bayfield Bunch ? Heck you could just fill in for me.
