
3 Miles Walk


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 8-8-2022

We managed to walk the paved road around the 18 hole golf course and 217 sites campground this morning and stay in the shade for almost all of the three+ miles thanks to getting a lot earlier start. The temperature was in the low to middle 70s and a small breeze was wafting through the area gently. The OFM legs memory kept us at the standard infantry marching speed the whole way and it felt GOOD. Hopefully it was just one of many in our future. Three miles is our performance goal since at our pace that is a bit over an hour of exercise and all of it is aerobic.

The Lawlers salad lunch was good as usual with the big salad base plus nice shredded cheese plus salad tomatoes, cucumber slices, cranberries, seeds(can't recall the type), shredded pork, and a couple somethings else.

As usual we brought the uneaten part home and had it for supper after and evening photography meander in the area.

The angry sky event showed us several interesting skies to view. We photographed a few of them for art reference and header pictures. Here is one you will see as a header when we get finished editing it to the OFM's preference for display.

It seems like the autumn foliage change is starting to happen. As we meander around Point Mallard Park the plants are showing a little bit of limpness in many cases. North Alabama starts getting “autumn ized” about two months ahead of Rockport Tx.

With gas back down to the $3.77 a gallon price range we are thinking of wandering around the area a bit more now and then. Wandering and meandering is usually a pretty good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. That sounds like the perfect mileage to getting your daily walk in.
    Even the Leftover Salad looks tasty.
    With Fuel Prices dropping you might be seeing more travelers on the road.
    Lots of characters can be made from Clouds like that.
    Walking or Riding are both great ways of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
