
Over Backwards


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 8-21-2022

We got started on the walk this morning with some strong haze in the area and cloudy skies but no rain showing. We made it out of the campground and down near the main soccer grounds and in a time frame of 20 seconds we were in a drenching rain. Back to the Castle we went until no more water could be soaked up in our clothing.

We dried off and hanged our clothing to dry. That was an ugly surprise.

We started a long day of piddling around inside the Castle until after lunch. The rain slowly quit and cleared until mid afternoon when the sun came out to play.

We hopped to it and headed out for a gentle walk. The almost injured ankle gave no trouble so we are calling it healed.

The walk went well but not really exciting. We were surprised to see this pretty pink flower amongst the white ones all along the creek shore.

At another location was these leaves turning into fall colors already. They are a nice dark red bending into a green.

Along near an inlet of the creek we got to play hide and seek with a large bird while trying to get a picture of the bird. The bird won and we have no picture of it.

But all was not lost. Where we were standing when the bird quit the game was a bush with these pretty flowers. The whole cluster was about the size of two golf balls.

From there it was a nice walk back along the soccer field listening to all the happy folks of all ages out kicking soccer balls around. Some of those really young kids get really into that kicking the ball around. Many of the really young ones kick so hard they go over backwards and bounce right up to do it again. It is great to see folks out just having a royal fun time trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. It makes me happy to hear kids enjoying playing in the outdoors......... from a distance.😀
