
New Old Blower


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 8-5-2022

Good evening from the almost functional OFM. Between intestinal distress and another migraine attack mid day it has been an interesting day.

The first nice thing we did this morning was get in a walk. When we looked outside after getting dresses and fed we almost gave up an came back inside the A/C Castle. The sun was super bright and the breeze did not exist but the humidity was very proud it was excessive. After a couple of minutes of our dumbbell exercise we took a look and a think and decided to start a meander and see how it felt.

As it quickly turned out we decided to do a wander through the shady spots in and around the campground instead of hitting the exposed trails. It turned out to be a nice romp in the woods and campsites. At one spot we tried out in the sun and quickly put an end to that. We think part of the morning weakness was from yesterdays migraine attack. Anyway we got a good sweat worked up. The big excitement was when we were on the main walking path in front of the campground we found another vine to tie and twist up to see how it grows.

We spent most of the day staying in the cool and coloring on the latest effort.

Then later afternoon another migraine hit. We slept a good while with that one. After waking we dropped by some old friends to visit a bit. We walked away form there with a leaf blower to help keep our camping site nicer. It is the same blower we gave them a couple of years ago but he got a new cordless one earlier this year so he gave the old one back to us since it worked just fine still.

It took about twenty minutes to get the pine needles blown out of the campsite late this evening.

That is how we have tooooo much fun in north Alabama in the summer.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to understand all the Migraines that you have. It might take changing your diet to get rid of them and help you to have tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy tying the Vines.

    It's about time.
