
STOP! They Hollered


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 6-27-2021

Click on the pic to enlarge.

The morning started well and soon the Teams were out for the walk of the day. But it quickly showed that it was not to be. A few hundred feet from the Castle the right hip said STOP. We did not stop but slowed a bit to let the hip warm up. Very soon both knees and the left hip said in no uncertain terms STOP $#&*#@$%^. So we did. The OFM examined the situation and decided that it was a bit too hot already anyway, so he took us back to the Castle and Ibuprofen.

After a bit more rest, we headed to the local Walmart Neighborhood Market to replenish some of the vegetables for meals.

Returning home it was definitely resting time the rest of the day. We read, studied and piddled with all sorts of stuff while the OFM body rested gently until supper time. We hit up the local Jack's and headed back home. The appendages had quit having trouble after supper so we tried again for a walk.

We started gently and slowly increased the pace until we were moving at normal speed. When we dipped down to the creek front trail this sunset picture required taking.

We continued on the rest of the short 2.5 mile path at the normal pace. There was not trouble from the hips etc. at all. We are hoping that is a very good sign for tomorrow.

On the way back we did get a nice picture of a spot on the creek as the light was fast fading away. We made it back to the Castle with a few minutes of twilight to spare.

A surprising thing was that today we did a lot of catch-up things around the Castle and on the computer. When we got to writing the blog tonight, the OFM realized that it had actually been a decent day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I keep trying to take less or none of the ibuprofen. But It really works. Sheesh. Main thing to worry about as I understand it is kidney function. Well, mabye I can find a friend with a spare kidney.

    1. Ibuprofen is the only non- narcotic that seems to work for me. So far it has never given me any trouble at all.

  2. P.S. The moonflower painting is really, really nice!! Really. I could go into detail about why I think so, but it doesn't matter as when I saw it first, I thought wow.

    1. Thank you very much. Since finishing that painting I have seen several things I would like "to improve" but I think that I will resist.

  3. Barney, I wonder what that was all about? I am about three years older than you. I have funny----unexplained----pains that stop me once in a while, but nothing that seems as drastic as what you describe! You didn't see it coming, did you? Nothing that you did that might cause it? I sure hope there are no repeats. Meanwhile, you have a talent for ending on a positive note. Good for you!

    1. Orthopedic damage from many events of the past come back now and then to haunt.

  4. Wow! Love the moonflower drawing.
    What Judith said "I could go into detail about why I think so".....
    Great job, Barney.
