
The Super Blahs


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 6-11-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

We knew something was not right when the OFM did not feel like going to bed last night even past midnight. He normally is very late if he hits the bed at 2330. Sure enough he was up by 0615 this morning but not moving well and it was not orthopedic in nature for a change. There just was not any get up and go in the old fat body.

So we took it easy this morning with oatmeal for breakfast. He did not even attempt to take a walk. But the grocery supply did require a trip to the store about five minutes away. We had a good trip and everything we needed or wanted came home with us. After it was put away the horizontal position location called him to access the proper position for a bit.

In a little while it was time for lunch and lunch was eaten without enthusiasm. Then it was time to do something so we ended up dragging out an old partially completed painting that was not working out very well. What a good match! A not working out well OFM and a not working out well painting.

So for the afternoon the painting got messed with in a non-super active mode. The Teams finally just stopped on it and called it quits.

The good news is the OFM is feeling better as the day goes on and that painting no longer languishes in the background begging to be completed. Painting was about all the OFM was up to today but at least he was able to get in a good effort at trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I have those days, too, Barney, and I just surrender and dont fight it. I just take it easy until it passes which it always does. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Gumo. This is my first one like this one but I will learn. I am doing fine now.

  2. Enjoyed the painting. Glad you are feeling better.
    Have a great day, Barney!

  3. Some days are like that. Since I don't paint I usually just read and sleep my way through them. Glad you found your way through that one and hope the next one is better.

  4. Ha. I've had a day like that today, but I didn't even do anything as constructive as painting. About early afternoon, just decided it was a day off. And it was. Manana should be better. It often is.
