
Ladder Tree


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 6-3-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

Probably the most exciting thing that happened today was the OFM washing the head band in his main shade hat. The sewer ran greasy black for an hour afterward but the hat will be much better for wearing when it dries out. He should do that more often than once a decade, don't you think.

Remember the neon lights seed blossom we followed for a little while a few weeks ago. Today we spotted the same tri-blossom and got a nice picture of it forming seeds. We hope to continue watching this exciting featured seed forming in the future.

In the mean time the biggest excitement for the Teams happened along the walking trail this morning. We were making good time when the OFM came to a sliding stop and backed up. Lo and behold the leaning tree with steps nailed to it was laying in the lake. It has been being used to climb out on and jump into the shallow water ever since we started coming here.

We always expected to hear about a major injury of someone from jumping into the four feet deep water. Maybe some one did get injured and the park folks decided to cut it down.

No matter why, we feel it was a good idea to prevent injuries.

New watercolor pencils came in and they perform very well. Definitely much better than the OFM can paint. We are enjoying them anyway.

The OFM checked with the park manager to see if he thought the July 4 weekend would be “too exciting” this year. He said that they are getting so many calls for campsites it is unreal. So expects this July 4 weekend to be the rowdiest ever here. Looks like we better plan on staying home and protecting the Castle from the crowds.

Now we have to figure out something for tomorrow to do for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Aha,yes I do remember that interesting neon seed blossom! Wonder what the heck it is. Well, it will be interesting to see in a few weeks if you take another shot! Thanks. And yes, I am long past rowdy holiday festivities...not that I was ever a great participant anyway.

  2. Never really enjoyed holidays in a camp site. Too rowdy.
    the Ol'Buzzard
