
Great Videos


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 6-1-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

Today was a low key day in most ways for the OFM Teams. But there is a blogger out there that really knows how to make his day EXCITING. Run on over there to Al's blog Rolling Steel Tent and see all the wondrous places he goes. Right now he has some great videos posted of mind bending parts of the Utah deserts. The OFM Team has been to some of them but Al goes EVERYWHERE and videos it.


Our big event for the day was walking over to the golf course practice area and getting calibrated on the current sand wedge distance that the OFM hits it. Our sand wedge is the shortest full swing hitting club in the bag. The OFM, as it turned out hits his an average of 55 yards on a full swing with decent contact. Now we can guess better for choosing how hard to hit the ball with a sand wedge. Being on the green after hitting the SW is good but being near the hole is a lot better.

Supper was a good old standby. A thin slice cubed pork chop stir fried in the 2 quart pot.

Then a Knorr package of a mix was added with the required water and some chopped greenery (celery this time). Add a bunch of garlic and simmer to perfection. Yield three scrumptious meals.

And that is one way of living a gentle day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Thanks for the promotion, but I've taken a break from adventuring for at least a few weeks. I'm hanging with Lou for a while.

    1. But if it is a new reader they have lots of good stuff to read in your archives. Your early "adventures" in getting the right vehicle etc are just about the best I have read ever on that subject. Take care of Lou first and please keep on letting the world know how both of you are doing.

  2. Al is one of my heroes. Unlike you and Tom, I've actually been in his rig but he probably doesn't remember that. He's more likely to remember my daughter who came to camp one time in her bobtail semi that she lives in full time and decided she wants a rig just like Al's when she stops driving OTR.

    1. Since day one of his blog I have enjoyed his style and commentaries.
