
Great Lucky Day


Adventure Location: Point Mallard Park, Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 3-5-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

It was a busy day today. Walking went well and the OFM had a couple of shorter walks and then the Grand Walk of about four miles on the main walking trail along the lake. It was a surprise to all the Team members that he was able to do all the walking without any pains for a change.

Along the way we saw this very bright green bush with glowing yellow flower buds on it. We plan to keep an eye on it to see what the flowers turn out to be like.

All the greenery seen on this path system in the past is missing now. The severe cold a couple of weeks ago did some significant damage to the foliage. Here is a picture of what the paths look like for now. However very close examination near the ground shows lots of small green bumps getting ready to burst out.

A wonderful change since we left last October is the Lawler's BBQ place is open for dine in again. So the OFM REQUIRED the Team to go to the place for a huge stuffed potato for lunch. Which also managed to be supper. Here is a picture of the left over from lunch on a full size dinner plate. The microwave brought the potato and fixings back to life in good fashion and the OFM made it all disappear quickly.

One more good things happened. As the OFM Grocery Shopping Team (boy thats a mouthful) were passing the pharmacy at the Walmart Neighborhood Market, the OFM noticed they were advertising for Covid shots available.

After we got everything verified and explained we got on the Walmart site and got a slot to get punctured next Tuesday at 0840. They are using the J&J medicine so it will be a one shot happening. We like that idea. We like getting the inoculation even better.

Tomorrow morning we roll Sierra over for a wild day at Grand Kid Land trying to have tooooo much FUN.


  1. Congratulations on getting your jab. It makes good sense to get it done especially with your travels. It will allow you to have a lot of fun!

    1. It will definitely take a worry out of my travel plans.

  2. Glad you'll soon have your Vaccine. It will give you extra protection but wearing your Mask in public will guaranty your good health.
    Along with walking and Grandkid visits you will surely be having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. With the Moderna shot they said allow two weeks for full immunity. I wonder what the delay is for the J&J? Something to take into consideration as I wish you well!
