
Making Ruts


Adventure Location: Point Mallard Park, Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 3-4-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

Rolling this morning came at 0745 and we made it to the campground at 1205. Traffic was easy and the rolling nice in spite of a couple of road repair hesitations.

When we checked in we were assigned space 6. This particular site has a shallow concrete ditch in the approach to the parking spot. We backed the Castle in just fine through the ditch and into its best location for the spread out utilities.

When we exited Sierra we noticed two fresh trenches in the gravel and dirt. It seems the Castles two back stabilizers and a frame piece dug themselves a way into the site. No damage to the Castle but the site may need to be regraded after we leave in a couple of weeks.

Then in the afternoon we got the OFM out for a gentle walk. Near the campsites is a daffodil garden and one flower was blooming.

On along the walking trail next to the lake we meandered along and checked out the lake level. It is a couple of feet lower than during the summer.

We found this 6" fungi that seems to have made it through the freezing times to still be alive and recovering. It was pretty red and orange tones.

On down the trail was a nice family playing in the purple clover blossoms of a practice field. They were having great fun.

Then a few meters on along where the fishing bridge crosses the creek we spotted a huge amount of flaming bright red berries on a tree barren of leaves. The picture does not catch the brightness of the glowing berries. Take our work for it they were beautiful.

Then we meandered on back to the Castle to let the OFM rest his sore leg muscles so we can do more walking tomorrow. These trails here will offer different opportunities for pictures this time because we have never been here in late winter before. It should be a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Glad you found a nice site that will help you to have tooooo much fun witnessing the start of Spring.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Love the purple clover field. Haven't seen one in years.
    Have a great day today!

  3. So. In place for a bit. Wonder what those red berries are. If you were in TX I would guess youpon holly. But you're not.
