
Drying Out the Campground


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 3-21-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

The cold night kept the OFM in until a little later this morning. Then we headed over to the laundry to try to clean up the OFM's act a bit. It just about clogged the washing machine. But in the end it was all down the drain and into the dryer with the textiles.

Back at the Castle every thing was stored properly by lunch time and away we went.

Since we once again had possession of some golf clubs, the OFM thought it was a good idea to see if he could even make contact with a ball. It turned out he was very good at contacting that big ball named EARTH. It was a bit of fun and a bigger bit of frustration but we will try again after rereading the proper technique for contacting the little ball. We will see what happens.

The last thing of the day was a meander around the campground checking the status of the flooding. All the campsites were clear of flood waters now. The manager had started the process of getting folks back into their proper sites. He hopes to get the move back completed tomorrow.

In another day the walking trail along the lake should be very usable again. The OFM really needs to get in some good walking after the three days with minimal activity. Of course the camera will come along to assist in trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Getting laundry done before walking in the non-flooded trails is a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the walk.

    It's about time.
