
Happy Trails To Us


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 3-11-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

We are rather pleased to report that the OFM is over his covid shot misery. He started the walk gently this morning like the last two walks. It did not take him long to hit his normal pace and away we went round that, behind this and over to there. When he finished it was a little over 3.5 miles with no miseries to report. We are very glad to have gotten a covid shot.

This next picture is of the #3 green of Point Mallard golf course this morning. It also shows why the OFM quit trying to play golf.

There is a foursome on the green. Look to the right and see the carts. That is a foursome on the #4 tee box waiting. And just out of the picture to the left is another foursome waiting to play onto #3 green while another foursome waits at the #3 tee box. The front nine on this course should normally be played in just under 2 hours IF you are walking. Riding is about an hour and twenty five minutes. The OFM has played at those time usages many time in the past. Nowadays just playing the front nine takes well over 3 hours. There is just tooooo many folks playing golf these days for the OFM Golf Team to enjoy the game anymore here in Decatur.

Along the walking trail we are starting to see trees and shrubs blooming. Then we noticed that the turtles are getting busy turtling around. Here are a few of them we caught on camera during the walk this morning.

Suddenly late this evening we had a major brain thought. The pain was horrible since the OFM brain is not used to thinking. When our rent is used up in another week it should be perfect timing to catch the desert down in Texas beginning the spring bloom explosion. It is some very nice walking and viewing along the desert trails during that time of the year. So we guess we now have a plan for trying to have tooooo much fun. YAHOO!!!!


  1. Spring brings out more then the plants.
    Heading back to Texas as it gets hot might be hard for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
