
Major Change in Plans


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 3-15-2021

A day of several important things was the OFM's fate. But a few really nice things happened. Mainly today was income tax figuring day. About 1715 this evening the bottom line was achieved. The Teams did not make enough money last year to have to file an income tax return. Virtually all of our expenses were met by the SSA payments. That was great news.

Getting a decent walk in was difficult and unsuccessful due to the frequent rain squalls. Lunch was half of a big stuffed potato from Lawlwers BBQ. The second half was supper. And now the OFM needs the walk even worse.

A reader commented that spring in the south can be wonderful. That got the OFM to thinking and checking and sure enough we have not had a good spring visit to the area to cover the flower outbursts around here. Hmmm

This park has lots of nice walking trails. The grands are 40 minutes away. The Teams have never done any cloverleaf trips in this area. The golf course has made some changes to help speed up the play. And the OFM managed to get possession of his custom fitted golf clubs he gave away when he damaged his left shoulder last year. Since we are here and the area looks like it is about to have an early spring, we are going to stay put if possible and meander the general area of Tennessee, Georgia and Mississippi.

So now we are looking forward to some nice overnight motel trips to see some of the southern gardens, like Belingrath down south, to give the camera something to record while the OFM is busy trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Belingrath gardens is one of my favorite places. I haven't been there since I became a full-timer but it was one of the places I wanted to visit again when I had plans of traveling to the South. I can't count all the pictures I've taken of those azaleas.


  2. Barney, I really like this plan! Especially the part about the grands being 40 minutes away. Maybe part of your having too much fun will include getting to see those darling kids once in a while. And there are plenty of other possible activities near.

  3. I like your plan too.
    Why go all the way back to TX?
    Enjoy more hugs!

  4. Enjoy. Sounds like a good Spring.
    the Ol'Buzzard
