
Morning Hike

Adventure Location:  Hells Canyon, Washington
Adventure Date: 2005+/-
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About two months ago the OFM was recalling some of the fantastic times he had up in the Pacific North West (PNW) from 2002 til 2007. One particular morning stood out in his mind.  It had been a nice truck camp in the forest near Hells Canyon. 

The morning was a crisp morning and the OFM grabbed his gear for a strong day hike out along the Snake River.  As he entered the trail into the canyon, he was reminded by the hills on each side of the trail that Hells Canyon is the deepest canyon in North America. 

The memory of the starting of this day hike kicked the OFM into gear trying to represent the feeling of that crisp morning in this painting.

When the day was done it had been a “Hell” of a day for sure.  There were many more days in and around Hells Canyon but this morning was the most dramatic start of all the trips over there.

Hells Canyon is definitely a fantastic place for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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