
Electricity Quit

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 7-20-2020
Click the pic to enlarge.

Not much happening today.  We did get over to Diablo East early enough to see a pretty start to the trail of choice today.

The walking went well and covered more than two miles. At the end it was getting a bit hot so it was wise to shut down and head for the AC.

The big excitement came  a while later when we were attempting to check out at Walmart.  Just as the OFM was trying to insert his credit card the ENTIRE store lost electrical power.  The emergency power to lighting  kicked in and quickly the employers took control of the situation and started clearing shoppers from the store.

We exited the store and noticed all the shoppers were being calm about it all. Sierra got us back to the Castle in fine shape and the OFM spent the rest of the day trying to do a watercolor painting with total failure.

But at least we were trying to have tooooo much fun while wasting paper.

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