
Social Residents

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 7-22-2020
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It was a good walk this morning at 277North area. From where Sierra parked at the gate it is one mile to the turnaround point, down hill all the way. Of course we do have to come back the same way to get back to Sierra.  The lake bottom has grown in nicely and a thunderstorm last night in this area sure greened up some of the vegetation.

Shortly after we started down the hill so local residents came out to wish us “ HAVE FUN”. They were sociable and polite.

We made the walk down in the shade of the brush on the east side of the roadway.  Then going back up most of the shade was gone and it got a bit hot. We need to hit these trails earlier in the morning in the future.

The two mile round trip was just right and the shower back at the Castle was even better. The rest of the day was spent goofing around doing little of worth..Called an old friend to see if he was still breathing regularly and he was. We talked for almost an hour.  He is in Michigan for the summer.

And there you have it. A rough day of trying to have tooooo much fun. 

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