
What Happened Last Night


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April1, 2024

The OFM story as best as we can recall the details. The OFM was working on the computer when his head quit working properly and he lost all ability to use his equipment. He could not recall much of anything about what he was supposed to be doing. Eventually he went to the campground office to get help for an ambulance team to take him to the emergency room.

The Emergency got to the campground and packed him up and away we went. At the emergency room they quickly spotted his blood pressure as WAY higher than acceptable and went to work on that. We do not recall any details for this time. Several readings were done for who knows what. The OFM clearly did not have his head on straight for this time period. His blood pressure was running extremely high as in 150/125 or so.

After Kiddo (OFMs son) got there things were calming down somewhat.

A long wait happened before the doctor came in to talk. His statement was basically “we have no idea what happened.” The good news was that there was no sign of heart trouble or stroke. The excessive blood pressure was all they found and it was responding to the treatment. They did recommend going to a regular doctor for more treatment. We were told we could resume normal activity. The medicine they had given the OFM was bringing his blood pressure down. So we left when the Doctor told us to resume our normal activities.. Today the OFM has taken it easy and monitored his BP and it is running only slightly high. We also noticed that the OFM slept a lot of serious naps during the day today. We figure he needed the rest.

And there you have the story as best the OFM can recall it. Today we had our usual lunch and supper. We made several slow laps of the campground office building for gentle exercise and quit immediately when it started to feel even a little strenuous.


  1. That's mostly all good news. Did the doctor relate the high blood pressure to the migraine you said you had just the other day? Seems like too much of a coincidence. Take care.

  2. Glad you came out of it, whatever it was, OK.....very puzzling, and must have been scary. Well done to get looked at so soon..

  3. P.S. Hope you follow the advice and get in with a regular doc for followup.

    1. My son knows the medical arena well and is seeking our doc for this stuff.

  4. Sounds like you did the right thing getting help as quickly as possible, Darrell makes a lot of sense that maybe it was tied in some way to your migraine problems.


    1. I already know that my migraines involve temporary blood pressure increases.

  5. You might be having a blockage that may require medical attention. Once treated, you could return to having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.

  6. Wow! When I saw the previous post, my first thought was a stroke. Hoping this was a one-off. Hugs and keep on having too much fun!
