
Recovery Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 8, 2024

We had a miserable night and morning. The OFM was having muscle cramps here and there all over his body often. He would have to massage them out just to not scream from the pain of the cramps. Finally near noon the misery started to abate somewhat. So far this afternoon the OFM is getting by with only light cramps now and then.

Most of the campground folks were doing all sorts of things in preparation of the eclipse. We were the non participants in the event Of course it was mostly just an excuse to have a big party everywhere. We did take a photo of the special event to keep for ever and ever for those who want to see what the eclipse was like around here.

Along about 1600 the OFM finally got to feeling human again. We are fairly certain we will be a lot more careful next time about over using the OFM body trying to keep up with an 11 yo and a 6 yo. That could be dangerous for 77 YO FAT MAN.

One thing that surprises the OFM is he did not fall down even once. He stumbled frequently but did not go down!

We are proud to announce that our grand son has substantially improved his chess playing and came very close to beating Grandpa.

We are hoping that tomorrow will be a much more normal day in the OFM life. But we are very excited we did not miss all the fun of yesterday.



  1. Glad you stayed upright. I'm always proud of myself when that happens. Looks like you had clouds for the eclipse. I didn't know it would even get that far to your parts. We lucked out here; it cleared up an hour or so ahead of time. I've been planning this 4 years, so was not disappointed, and by consulting maps and graphs and who knows what, figured out 10 miles to the south would be totality, 100% coverage..... It was quite an experience. It got DARK. But for only one minute. The rest of the time it was like other solar eclipses I've seen. So glad for this opportunity. When I was 74 and had this in mind, I was hoping I'd live long enough. HA. I did.

    1. I was glad to have seen a few good ones before in my wanderings.

  2. Take a teaspoon or two of mustard for cramps
    They stop quickly. Really, it works.

    1. Mustard works great for my middle of the night leg cramps. Instantaneous.
