
Hopeful Dreams


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 25, 2024

Since we woke this morning the OFM has not been at his best again today but the day was so beautiful it was making him try to feel better. So we headed out on a cool but clear and fantastic morning to try to find the wonderful things and we did .

The first thing we noticed was the beginning trail was the starting trail was dark with streams of bright light highlighting great natural features. This was the natural tree tunnel that greeted us with special growths getting special streams of wow sunlight. This was what greeted us about fifty feet into the walk.

We got pummeled for a couple of miles like this and loved every minute of it.

On this morning we took a chunk of trail that we normally do not take but the sun light angle was just right to make it a great experience this morning.

Here is a picture of a spider web that was around three feet long and shining like a polished mirror right into the OFM eyes.

That was a new happening for the OFM and appreciated.

And we have passed through this next location hundreds of times but this morning it was a whole new joy with the special lighting. We meandered like the meandering champion we are this morning and the walk was time wise about an hour and a half of wonderful natural pleasures.

We did do some serious resting a couple of times today that seemed to help the OFM a good bit.

We did a couple of other chores in getting ready to roll that turned out well to our surprise. We hookedup the Castle traveling lighting like stop, turn and running to check it all out. To our surprise all the systems worked just fine. We were really relieved when no repairs were needed after almost a year of being left alone.

Then just to push our luck some more we shifted the Castle to full boon-docking mode to check out the solar systems and the rest of the 12 volt systems and got a surprise. The panels have not been cleaned in a year and were still putting out 14.4 volts in the light shade of the trees around us! That was a real surprise. We plan to wash the panels right before we roll anyway. That is wonderful isn't it.

We are hoping that the OFM and the Rig with get out soon for a little rolling. We got here last June first with the start of our travel troubles with the Castle, Sierra and the OFM body. We are certainly hoping to get some miles on the tires soon. But we intend to always be back in Alabama when the grands are out of school for summer break.

We are thinking that tomorrow could be the start of some travel plans that could really happen.

Kick back and think good thoughts.


  1. Love that last shot looking at the bench and water through the tree tunnel - perfect! Glad your systems are up and running, ready for lift-off. Linda

  2. Hi Barney, hope you are feeling good today. Very smart to check your boondocking systems out, preventative maintenance is always time well spent . Good luck on travel plans keep us informed. Thanks have a great day.
