
Got To Try (Revised)


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 10, 2024

A beautiful day arrived shortly after we got going this morning, but let us begin at the rolling out of bed. The great news is the OFM rolled out of bed and landed on his feet instead of setting a new world record for splatting on the floor. After breakfast we needed to get in some walking after three days of rain confinement. So we bagged up the garbage to carry it to the dumpsters on the other side of the campground. Checked our selves for the gear we wanted to have along and ZZZZZZOOM we were on our way. A couple minutes later we took a right turn onto the walking path going over to the dumpsters. Passing by the first pathway to a different location we could tell that not all the rain water had drained away yet and we better choose the higher ground trails.

It was a bit cool in the shadows of the clouds with the light damp breeze so we were glad to have on our windbreaker as we turned toward the dumpsters way over yonder. It was only about ten yards farther when the sun attacked us with vigor. This picture was just as the sun broke though the clouds. In just a couple of minutes we shed the jacket for the rest of the walk.

And for the rest of the 2 miles it just kept on getting hotter. Nothing really exciting happened the rest of the day, BUT we have began working up a bit of an itinerary for rolling in the future. We got notice that Kiddo's family was able to finalize two great trips for themselves at the end of spring and start of summer. That bunch knows how to try to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Watching the ones that came behind us, is a great way of learning to have tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
