
Turtle Convention In Town


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 23, 2024

Another beautiful day passed through our area today and rewarded us with wonderful outside times to play. The OFM grabbed his garbage and started his miles from the Castle headed to the garbage dumpsters with the intention of choosing the next portion of the walk when business was finished at the dumpsters. It turned out to be a wonderful idea because the sound of bulldozers attracted us to back south to the soccer field area.

As we learned later it was the beginning of more tennis courts replacing an old two story building in that area that was torn down last year. Tennis courts will give the area a lot more use than the previous building did.

From there we went south to the start of the gravel hike and bike trail along Flint Creek. Some where along the creek bank during the next mile we crossed path with this huge mound of yellow flowers. The picture only grabs about a third of all the flowers in the huge display.

The OFM waded about eight feet into the mound to get the picture above. The good news is we did not find any snakes playing in there. It was an unreal pretty mountain of flowers to enjoy viewing.

Very nearby is a large field that is sort of a general use field That folks get to use for just general goofing off and messing around having great FUN. We enjoy seeing families and groups having unstructured areas for general rambling around with each other.

Just back of where the OFM took that picture is the shore of Flint Creek where bank fishing can be pretty good at times also.

Then we meandered along the gravel trail a little bit and found this turtle convention in session at a small inlet.

Lots more turtles were congregated in the water paying attention to all that was going on up on the trees. It made the OFM wish he spoke Turtle so he could learn something.

By the time we got back to the Castle we had covered nearly three miles of trails with our fun walk. That is a good healthy exercise experience to help the OFM make it to the end of fun living.


  1. Hi Barney, I may have counted 15 turtles or so wow. Spring is in full swing now. I have sand hill cranes back they are real cool birds. We will all be having too much fun now. take care and keep your research up for places to stay.
