
Good Food And Great Weather


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 22, 2024

It was another great day of beautiful weather. Let us start the day with a food report. Supper time had arrived and the OFM was still getting his acts of the day together but the OFM stomach was not ready to put up with excuses. It is food time PERIOD. So we went to thinking. In the food lockers was cans of food. So we grabbed a package of Knorr mix.

Glancing quickly through the next cabinet we found a can of name brand no beans chili that was purchased recently to try out. So now we had makings for some belly filler. In a few minutes we had it all on the fire heating in stoup style for supper. About 15 minutes later it was ready to force down. But the big surprise was that it was actually very good and not any greasy taste to it. Then another surprise during clean up, The regular size can of chili and the bag of Knorr mix yielded four meals of food for the OFM. We had one bowl full tonight and are really looking forward to the three nights of meals we put into the freezer for our future meals. That is a nice surprise we think.

We had a day of visits with folks between walk sessions on the trails. There were lots of good pics on the walks so we will have nice pics for a few days in the blog. Here is one of them of a trail side spider web that caught the OFM's attention before we walked into it. It was about a foot long, seven inches wide and five inches top to bottom. Several small pieces of debris was gathered into the belly of the web. Although it was not exactly artistically pretty it was definitely neat to examine closely at all the work the spider has put into the building of the web.

Then on the way back from one of the meanders we stopped at the site of a couple we have met here and enjoy visiting. The gentleman had bought a very colorful potted plant for his wife a couple of days ago and the OFM finally had his camera in hand today to photograph one of the flowers and here it is for you to enjoy also.

The lighting was great today and we took good advantage of that to shoot lots of critter pics and vegetation pics. We hope to get them all processed tomorrow to put on a big show tomorrow night. But if the weather is great again we will likely just keep on shooting nice pictures for every ones enjoyment.

So everyone kick back and relax.

1 comment:

  1. Finding great pictures and quick meals to make, are all ways of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
