
Do It Tomorrow Right?


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 11, 2024

We had light to heavy rain just about all day and it is still raining tonight. But it was a day of getting a few things moving along or finished. The middle of the day was laundry day and we got the whole laundry room to ourselves since it was raining out there.

We got it all done, back home and put away in only an hour and a half. It was great. And it was hot tea time and it was good also.

While sitting and thinking about what to do travel wise the OFM realized he had to get busy on some Stoup. We had cubed and cooked chicken breast in the freezer and Knorr rice noodle packages in the cabinet, shredded carrots and a cup of cubed potatoes standing by in the refer so we went to work and soon the Castle smelled delicious for supper. Wow that is good stuff.

Now there is two meals worth of chicken/rice stoup waiting politely in the fridge for the OFM to be ready to eat stoup again. It shouldn't be long.

WARNING AHEAD Yesterday while at Walmart Neighborhood market we picked up a single serving size of ready made sandwich for lunch. Today it exited in dramatic undesirable fashion. So we now know to be more careful about Out Of Date markings on those RTE sandwiches. It tasted fine going in yesterday but today was a new show for sure.

Several other ideas about the next few months are bouncing around inside the OFM skull making a lot of racket. We need to get something lined out soon and get business gitting going. One of the big troubles is this is such a nice area that it is very easy to kick back and gently slide along on the I'll do it tomorrow routine. This sounds like a good idea to do tomorrow. Have a great night .


  1. Where to go... Do you have any places-things you've wanted to see or get another look at?
    The Seti antenna array or the museum at the Pancho Villa State Park (both in New Mexico)?
    The Grand Canyon? Boondocking outside the park in Tusayan & taking the shuttle bus into the park and the south rim walk has always been worth the time (to me).
    Niagara Falls or a tour of COE campgrounds up to Ohio and the Air Force museum?
    Lot's of good boondocking on the way up to Wall Drugs in South Dakota and their fine cup of nickel coffee! (Not to mention a Jackalope! :-)

    I seem to have gotten off on "where would I like to go" run under the gize of unsolicited advice. It happens... have a great Friday!

    1. Thanks for the comments. they are appreciated. I liked Hells Canyon in Idaho really well.

    2. I haven't been there, I'll put it on the list! Thanks...
