
24 hour YUCK


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 24, 2024

A rough night and day brings you this blog report. We have had a rough 24 hours but it seems to be getting better finally. Last night was no sleep until about 0400 this morning but we still were awake by 0700 to have a walk since sleeping was hit or miss and not very good anyway. We never figured out what was wrong today either, But we did get a decent nap for about an hour starting around 1500 this this afternoon. Naturally we were very slowed down during the rest of the day and night.

On the walk we spotted this tree stump from probably three years ago. It was dormant since the tree broke off in a serious wind storm. Apparently it was being dormant getting ready for the big growing surge of this spring. It is covered in branch growth like it is planning on taking over the local forest. We like to see that sort of determination in progress.

After lunch at BK we headed over to Walmart to return an item and right there in the middle aisle just waiting for us was a big pile of floor rugs for $2 each on clearance of the perfect pattern for the light brown fall colors inside the Castle. Our current rugs are very worn and many years old (17) is our guess. So we grabbed three of them. Here is the new rug on the bottom and the old rug on top. We will be getting rid of the old rugs very soon.

After the shopping we managed to get about 45 minutes of nap to help with our recovery of whatever garbage attacked us last night.

Then for some reason the OFM remembered he needed to check our supply of chock blocks for the Castle's wheels when we are parked out camping.

So we got the blocks out and went through them all and found that we are in good supply with what we have. So there is an expense we can put off for another year or two.

By now supper time was upon us and Marie Callendars chicken fried steak, mashed taters with gravy and whole kernel corn was calling strongly. Yep the OFM appetite was heading home finally and the food was very good. Our hopes are for a full recovery from whatever attacked in the night.

In the meantime sleep well, have fun and be safe.

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