
Left Over Fun


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 6, 2024

Another great day of spring springing all around us here on the Tennessee River. We hit the campground back trail entry and right away the OFM got a surprise. A little sprig of a tree that was treeless last Sunday had grown lots of leaves since then. Here is the end of a limb with the OFM holding a wad of the new leaves in his hand.

This place is literally exploding with new vegetation everywhere you look. WOW.

After the two mile walk was finished the OFM was not feeling well and decided to kick back for a good bit. It quickly proved to be the right idea to take it physically easy for a bit. So he went to studying some of the new techniques for coloring he is trying to learn well. They are some great techniques to use IF you can remember how to do them correctly when you need them. Here was the art table for a good while today,

We spent a couple of hours practicing the newly acquired information and once again the OFM proved he is an expert at learning at a very slow rate.

This effort was at getting enough coloring on the paper for correct blending. It was not easy.

Tomorrow is supposed to be Mexican food day with Kiddo and his family at Phil Sandavals place in Huntsville Al. They have very good food every time the OFM has eaten there for the last 20 years.

It is a great family friendly restaurant and the grand kids love it there.

Well folks, it is like this. During the walk this morning the OFM noticed a lot of fun left laying around outside from yesterday. We need to get busy using up all that extra fun OK.


  1. You know when you have too much of anything you might have some left over the next day & too much fun is your thing! Enjoy.

  2. Things are truly springing up around you. Keeping that in mind will help you for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy breakfast with the grands.

    It's about time.
