
MR. Knucklehead Strikes Again And Good News


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 16, 2024

The day was not bland for sure. The morning was spent getting ready for an afternoon event on the 16th. Sure enough when we got there nobody else showed up and we wandered around trying to figure out where they were. Finally we left thinking we had missed the cancellation notice or ????

Sure enough later we found the trouble. It was the OFM on the wrong month. The event is MAY 16 not April 16. So old knucklehead had another bruise on his forehead from banging the door frame.

Now let us add more news. In the last couple of months we have had significant fresh news from our old favorite fishing grounds of Rockport Texas. It seems that the OFM dreams of coming off the road eventually and settling in a campground in Rockport Tx. is most likely not going to happen. The last few years that Texas coastal area is really developing into expensive residential and commercial property supporting the Corpus Christi Tx industrial, oil and chemical manufacturing businesses. We watched and lived that same thing happening in the Houston Tx south east quadrant. So we are now writing those areas out of our possible “retirement area “ when we settle down. However the good part is that that change will support a few million folks who need good paying jobs in the future. We just need to suck it up and find another wonderful place and we have seen several in our travels.

This means the OFM Teams now have a new goal to define, chase and consider. That alone could be a fun run at new places to consider, don't you think? We consider this a grand new excitement for our life. YAHOOOOO.

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