Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


New Travel Style Evaluating In Progress


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: April 12, 2024

It has been an interesting day for the OFM Teams. We started the day with great walking and picture taking weather. We only took two pictures during the 2.5 miles of great walking. This one struck us as nice to show the morning weather we had to put up with.

All along the trails the weather seemed to be glad to be finished with the rain after 4 days. We definitely were.

Awe moseyed along we came to a tree laying out over the water with five turtles on it. As we approached it to do a little photography, four of the turtles slid into the water. Number five was the largest turtle and it stayed put and hunkered down a bit. So we got a photo of a hiding turtle in the brush. It wiggled around a little but stayed in place.

The rest of the walk got the OFM to thinking about swapping our vehicles and changing our travel style. Please note we did not say quit traveling around. Many years ago during our employed life we camped in just about every style available on FOUR wheels. No two wheel style was ever tried. The one that we found really good was no build van camping.

Today we stumbled onto a very good web site on no build van camping and caught our attention. For those who do not know what no build van camping is here is the explanation.

You use a van, large or small, and rearrange the inside to give you comfortable camping as you travel. The big difference from most camping vans is that no building cabinets or beds or ???? and attaching to the van done. Things like a bed is a folding cot with a mattress on it. A toilet is a Thetford Portti Potty like the OFM used for several years in his no build vans Showers happen at bath houses in campgrounds or wet wash cloth scrubbing in the van with a rag and pot of water. Folding chairs worked outside or inside. Van original furniture was stored in safe storage until it was needed to be reinstalled for selling the rig later. It was a great way of traveling fast to make big loop travels while still having to go back to work in a couple of days or week or two.

We are not considering and will not again be considering the van-ish Class B motor homes running around now days. We have looked at them carefully for a couple of years and they do not fit our wants. Nothing wrong with them just not our choice.

And that is the big news from north Alabama.


  1. I don't know if this is the kind of thing you're talking about Barney, but I'm sure you recognize this guy, he's all over the Internet. And since I've traveled in a van like you're talking about when I was in my late 20s, this is a good and inexpensive way of doing it.


    1. Oh I know Bob Wells. I was van travelling when Bob started his business. He is a nice fellow in person.

  2. It's the rainy days when you are stuck in the van that you really miss the table-stove-fridge set up you have now. I did it for awhile with a cot, TV tray for a table, folding camp chair and a can cooker for a stove. And yes I had a 2 gal cassette toilet that worked great! I did miss a fridge and a buying ice every few days was a pain.
    It was better in a full sized van rather than a mini-van, that extra room was better. But if you want to think of a mini-van take a look at what this guy did.

    I really like the set up you have now...

  3. Hi Barney, well it seems you have been doing alot of thinking and research on being mobile in a rig that is easy to use. Your small travel trailer, great idea, and now the no build van, another great idea. It will be interesting as both choices are good. You will know when you find what works for you. Thanks for sharing it is thought provoking. Now go out and have Too Much Fun.

    1. Shane Thank you for commenting. I have been getting rid of things I no longer use and cleaning. I need to better define where I am at homewise and what I want to do in my old man future.
