
Another Try Required


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 1-10-2022

Click the picture to enlarge it

The OFM woke this morning with nothing in the way of whatever he chose to do. WOW that feels funny form normal. So we spent most of the day painting a picture using very new to us techniques involving colored pencils, watercolor pencils and blending the two mediums to create fantastic paintings.

We got very energetic on learning all this we could. The farther we went the worse it seemed to be. Finally we did a stop and rethink things time.

So we started again and went on along and it was bad. There are usually thing that folks write that the OFM does not have the same meanings for the words chosen as the original writer it seems. We were having a good time even with the difficulties. Finally along about supper time we quit on this attempt so we could do more research to understand the terms better.

Anyway here is what the succulent picture looks like when we quit on the effort.

To give a good feeling about today, we know at least one type of painting style while we are trying to have tooooo much fun that we get to learn more about .


  1. Well, I do like this one very much!! You have produced an interesting painting, confused as you say you were....I wrote a comment yesterday about the great header photo, but my browser was having some sort of fit, so it didn't get posted. I can't remember what I said (which is probably just fine, all things considered) but I was full of admiration for it. Just great - fog is good and you've got a good composition as usual. Just excellent.

  2. I LOVE the way the colors blend! Beautiful job. I dont know what all that talk was about not knowing what you were doing.
    Could have fooled me!

    1. Looks like I need to back off and have another look from another attitude. Thank you.

  3. Very nice! I wasn't expecting much the way you were talking.
    Yes, we are our worst critics. Have fun today, OFM.
