
What's A Memory?


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 1-9-2022

Click the picture to enlarge it

The OFM was thinking (OH NO that is dangerous) and looking at the weather in the country for the rest of January and comparing it to Rockport this year. According to meteorological records last Friday is the normal coldest day in the year here in Rockport. So now we are in a warming trend in general. So a look at the weather forecast for the next two weeks plus a little was a bit of a surprise. We are supposed to be in the mid to high 60s and in the low 50s for that time period.

We are in an adequate and relatively cheap campsite with good mail/packages service. Decent stores are nearby as in less than six miles. 3 great walking areas and decent fishing spots are in a few minutes drive distance. So it seems that maybe it would be smart to stay here until the rent comes due at the end of the month and then make another decision then.

This morning the Teams woke up to heavy fog all over the place. Here is a picture taken at one of the normal fishing locations.

As you can tell visibility is very short. But right across the harbor access road is a shrimp boat that fits the OFM daily attitude.

And yes we have new shoes but not from where expected. We were on our way to the shoe store when the OFM recalled a new pair of shoes we bought about a year ago for when we would need them while out in no where land. So we turned around and dug them out of the store everything closet in the bathroom. Sure enough they work just right. The last pair made about four years if we recall correctly. So this pair might be on the OFM's feet when he croaks. Did we mention good planning, horrible memory.

Ok everybody work hard at trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.

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