
What's Burning?


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 1-13-2022

Click the picture to enlarge it

Plenty went on today. The day was so pretty we had to get out and roam some. One of the places we did a bit of meandering roaming was at the Light House Lakes Park where we come for some wild life now and then. Here is a picture of the usual winter weather here and a boat headed out to load up on fish.

Notice the smoke in the background. The croplands are getting their annual winter weed burn off in preparation to the next crop. The temperature was only 69F today at the water's edge. One of the posts on the left of the picture is the star of the next part of the post.

These posts were new about five years ago. The wind, blown sand and water, sun and mother nature in general wears the wood down noticeably. They all seem to wear in a way to tell you a different story of the past along the water front.

Scattered here and there along this channel is small stretches of shells that the waves send up onto the sand. Here is one we grabbed a picture of today to enlarge and scrutinize carefully for art possibilities.

Lots of visiting went on down here but it was time to head back to Rockport and check the harbor area for any news.

The harbor rock fishing pier was looking nice and the water was looking pretty good. Check it out.

There were schools of mullet running around so we expected to catch a fish or two. But it was not to be. We did run into George and had another wonderful conversation. He told the The OFM that our mutual friend Tim that lives in the marina on a boat was recovering from a Covid attack and doing well. That was great to hear. After enough lip flapping to wear out a jaw joint we decided to head on homeward. George then went over to get his stringer and the fish he had caught to take them to clean and prep for his supper.

The OFM put his gear in the back seat of Sierra and headed to the Castle. To begin the evenings adventures of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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