
Trail Visitor

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:5-11-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Decent morning weather led to a two hour walk this morning. But the walk was only three miles and no spot on the walk was level.  We hit up Diablo East boat ramp and marina area. That ramp is so steep that many folks have to wait until a friend or relative can come along just to walk to the parking lot WAY UP THERE to bring the vehicle and trailer back down to the water when they come in.

We hit up the boat ramp first and when the OFM got back to the top we headed to the Nature Trail. It is not as heavily sloped. All the nice blooming was over and the drought has a lot of vegetation in dire straits. 

From there it was down the marina loop and back UP to the main parking lot. But that Old Fool Man was wanting more. So we cut across the sloping parking lot an onto the main loop trail. 

A few feet after we made the turn at the dump/water station we turned a sharp curve and there she was. Just standing there ready to visit and the OFM talked to her for several minutes before he took this picture.

After a couple more minutes she decided to move on and gently walked away.  It was an unusual visit but fun nonetheless.

Then it on along the undulation heavy trail until we made the loop and got back to Sierra. From there it was only a few minutes back to the Castle for the day.  And that was how the OFM Teams tried to have tooooo much fun today. 

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