
A Rock

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:5-05-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The day was wonderful. The OFM body was not happy with all of yesterday’s exercise. Joints hurt all night and most of today so after grocery shopping this morning the OFM Art Team took over the day. A 2000 tablet bottle of ibuprofen and two gallons of water were placed nearby and the Team went to work.

This art stuff is a real challenge for the OFM, he says. He watches a lot of online teaching for this watercolor and colored pencil painting.  A technique he has read/ heard about was finally given a try with a little success.

Choose a simple subject and draw/ paint it over and over again so that each time you can correct/change things that do not fit your wants AND LEARN IMMEDIATELY FROM YOUR ERRORS/CHANGES.

So today the goal was to paint a decent rock.  Sounds simple enough. For the artist folks, the paper is Strathmore 400 mixed media.  The color medium is Derwent Watercolor Pencils. It turned into a four hour + effort to get to the final (for now) painting of a rock.  We do not know how many iterations were done but it was a few.
The paper is a better quality paper but not top of the line. The pencils are top of the line for professional folks. There are about 4-5 top of the line watercolor pencils brands on the market. Derwent is one of them.    So any less than wonderful aspects to the paintings is definitely due to the OFM.

Here is the rock.

Hard to believe that that simple rock took the OFM over 4 hours to get it to this stage.  It did make for a good afternoon of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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