

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure: 5-20-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It wasn’t as bad heat wise as yesterday but it was still plenty of heat. The OFM did get an early 2+ mile walk in at the campground. But by the time he finished the cloud cover was gone and the sun was taking dead aim at him.  But he showed the sun who was boss, because in the later evening as a rain storm was coming to the area, he went for another 1.5 mile walk and got back in the Castle before the sun came out again.

Along the way we got to see the awesome display some of the oleanders were putting out. The campground has lots of oleanders of different colors. These dark red ones put on the largest by far display of all of them.

Then while down by the old cattle pasture the OFM noticed these pretty wild weed flowers.  They are about the size of a quarter.

And there you have the excitement for the day. Starting on another painting was the way today for having tooooo much fun.

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