
Rock Monkey

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:5-04-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It was another nice morning for a long walk. So Sierra took us to the closed picnic area at Diablo East and the OFM Walking Team had a great walk. However we only had two decent pictures. 

The area is a low brush thorny type of vegetation so the The OFM stays out of it and just walks the gravel roads.  We took a rest break at the skin diving place. This is where we got the two pictures.

Here is the only boat we saw on the lake today.  It was running nice and cleanly and FAST on that pretty water.

While standing near  the rock edge to take the above picture, the OFM noticed some flowers down on the side of the cliff to the left of us. Naturally since that was the only flowers in the area we had to get a picture of them. This is a 20X photo that had been cropped and enlarged to get the photo.  Hand held at 20X is difficult.

Our guess is that it is an oleander bush growing from the crack in the cliff. There is no way the OFM was going to play rock monkey and try to get closer for a better shot.

The virus situation is like somebody running a red light in New York so the whole country is not allowed to drive.  But it is what it is.  While getting a fistful of quarters this morning to do laundry, the OFM signed us up for another month here in Del Rio.  Maybe by the rent running out on June 9, we will get a chance to roll around a bit before the July turn toward Alabama.

Please be patient as we are basically slap dab out of things to write about for the blog and with the HOT weather here stories may be difficult to come by. The OFM is not stopping blogging or photos or anything else but don’t be surprised if a few days now and then don’t have a new blog post.  You can be assured the Teams will be doing our best to try to have tooooo much fun.

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