
Spur 454 Scenery

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:05-01-2020
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It seemed like a good time to take a longer walk since the air was nice and cool. Sierra got us to the start of the walking only part of spur 454 road to a boat ramp. As we were getting ready for the walk, the thought of the OFM was that this would be a blog of just the desert scenery along the 2.4 miles to the boat ramp. This is a ridge that sticks out into Lake Amistad with old highway 90 (now Spur 454) as the access.

Sierra picked a nice spot to park and wait for us.

As you pass through the opening for walkers at the closed roadway gate, on your left is a small hill with the Sunset Trail headed to the west.

We did a nice meander speed for most of today so it took us an hour to get to the boat ramp and about the same time to get back to Sierra.  

This next scene is a small arroyo headed out to the east from the road.

Then it was up a hill.  The road had been cut into the hill along here so we can see the layers under the grasses. 

Then it was down and around to the left to the second and much larger arroyo.

The lake is 42 feet low so most of what you see here in the bottom of the arroyo is covered with lake water at full.

Then it is up another hill and another cut through the hill top and then down the hill to this view of the lake to the northish.

From here the road goes pretty straight and westerly for a short piece and ends at the boat ramp and a very nice lake view.

And after a bit of a rest the OFM started the Teams on the trip back to Sierra. The Teams hope you enjoyed this scenic trip through the Del Rio area desert as a way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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