

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date:5-06-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It was another outstanding day here in the west Texas desert. A few little things were taken care of but mostly it was a laid back day of relaxing enjoyment.

What did you do for enjoyment asked the reader.  We watched our favorite art teacher give lessons on the Internet. He talks in a language even the OFM can understand. His name is Steve Mitchell and his site is The Mind of Watercolor. His goofy humor creeps in now and then but it is good for a giggle or two. 

We also went through Sierra considering what to get rid of and what to keep and if something needs to be added to the things carried in Sierra.  There are a few small changes we will be doing, but the big surprise is the Emergency Medical Kit we thought was in the back seat is not to be found in the whole truck.  So tomorrow will be a day of putting together another kit to leave in Sierra full time.  We do wonder what rock and where it was that got the previous kit as a present from the absent minded OFM.

Two more paintings were started today along with a bit of addition to The Rock painting. Did you ever notice that painting begins with PAIN?  In the mean time everyone keep busy trying to have tooooo much fun.

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