
Three Items Finished Today!

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
Click the pic to enlarge.

The OFM has had a big day today. A cold front has come to visit so he had nice cool air for the walk this morning. That was such a nice start he go motivated to work out a good walk path for his abilities. When he finished working out one from all the available options, it was at just the right length for his OLD body. From the Castle down to the river and back along the golf course and back to the Castle is the path.

 On Google maps it works out to 3.54 miles. We do not run or jog or anything that takes both feet off the ground at the same time. Walking as fast as the OFM is comfortable is our pace. If something like a picture needs to be taken we stop with not regret. It is designated by the Teams as comfortable long slow exercise. No more joint damage is allowed.

It is supposed to be in the 40‘s in the morning so the walk likely will be done later in the morning.

A tilt out window in the Castle has had a broken operator for some time now with the new operator rusting away waiting to be installed. It is awkward to install requiring contortionist positions while standing on the OFM’s head trying to get the trifocals to find a lens that works so he can get the screw driver on the screw to install the operator. Actually it is not really that easy. But it is installed and works well.

Another item is finished or as the OFM says “It is just time to quit.”  The painting he has been messing with for several weeks is declared finished. It is named The Old Feed Trough.

It was inspired by an old ranching site under Lake Amistad that was out of the water due to low lake levels a few years ago. We hope our readers enjoy viewing the painting. The OFM used a combination of water colors and colored pencils to do the art work. And it was a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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