
Cool Turtles

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
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Things are getting a bit slower around here now so do not be worried if a day or two now and then gets skipped. Today barely had any events but here they are.

During the hot as blazes walk this morning all the vegetation was fading fast. No flowers were out and about. Even the turtles were staying in the water trying to keep cool. The OFM saw a sight he thought was neat but we tried to discourage it for photography. We failed. Here is his pride and joy of a log end.

After a quick shower to rinse off the walk sweat, we hit up a couple of stores for some unsuccessful shopping. Then it was a stop at Golden Corral for some fish, vegetables and fruit for lunch.

On back at the Castle the OFM cleaned up a little and some paper and oil pastels came out to play. Here is as far as the playing got in a few hours.

That was it for the day. The temp we had showing outside amongst the tall trees, humidity, and no breeze was 93. It made staying in the AC a great place for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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