
The Grouch Smiles

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
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The OFM got his act together earlier this morning and we hit the walking trail for a good walk. After a good distance we came to one of the loop option trails. The OFM stopped us to consider the situation. It was HOT, HUMID and absolutely no breeze. He claimed he did not feel “right” for a longer walk. Old elderly men need to be cautious for sure.

So we took the shortest path back to the AC in the Castle.  After we arrived back the OFM checked his “feel” and declared it the proper choice. Just too much heat for long walks. However when he checked Google for the distance it still was 2.3 miles.  That is plenty for the OFM Walking Team when the heat index is showing 94.

A little art attempt was started and after a couple of hours it was put aside to let the concept of the picture jell a good bit more. We will be moving on to another picture while that one ferments.

The ugly surprise we got  was when we went to check where the Farm and Tractor Show was being held. It seems it was yesterday and we missed it! All was not lost however. When the OFM was checking the schedule, he got a big surprise that when the fireworks finish tonight the Memorial Day Celebration is officially over. That means that Monday is move out day for lots of the crowd. We will really enjoy that event.  Again, this year has been decently behaved. Last year was a chaotic mess for the whole two days and nights. The crowding in of all the folks was the only real difficulty and it was not that bad in reality. The OFM is a grouch when it comes to crowds.

We are hoping that by Monday afternoon it will be back to being a normal packed in Eastern type of campground. The Teams will be ready for some elbow room by the time Rolling Time (cooler weather) gets here next fall. For outdoor things cooler weather is much better for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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