
Too Busy

Adventure Location: Del Rio, TX
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The arrival yesterday was quite a fast paced event as it turned out. After we arrived this was the first picture taken of the evening.

We only had 29 out of 34 sites to choose from. This one was our choice and so far it has been an excellent place out of the normal campground traffic.

The back yard and patio are in good shape. The view out back goes about five miles just like this.

We had just gotten started good when the neighbors stopped by on their dog walk. They were nice folks and the puppy was so sweet it was unreal. He is a 120 pound pit bull and pretty as can be. He loves to lean on you and get his ears scratched. He was fun. The folks asked if the OFM knew anything about Big Bend NP. From there it lead into a hour class on playing at BBNP.

Then we noticed some old friends from Canada were in the campground. We have to go say hi before it got too dark. By the time we said good byes our friends had introduced us to another Canadian couple who needed a lot of information about BBNP. We set up an appointment for them for this morning. Then we headed into Del Rio and it turned out Whataburger so we could hurry back and finish setting up.

Bedtime quickly arrived and the OFM slept heavily and his sprained right ankle did not wake him once.

Friday morning came way too soon at 0715 and the OFM was up and going. The BBNP session went on for an hour and a half and the folks went off to meet with some friends in town. They are leaving for Seminole Canyon State Park Saturday morning. Lots of great scenery to see and things to do. Then they head for BBNP.

For lunch the Teams hit the local oriental buffet and waddled out right into some more new folks to visit. The new folks visiting went on until sunset when the OFM got this picture of our front yard at sunset. We hope that some of our readers like it.

And we hope the OFM gets another great night of sleep again after the big day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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