
Lots of Questions

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Time to do some catching up in OFM Land. This is the trip back to Rockport, Tx. It got off to a very late start. Traffic was light in general until we turned south at Hondo Texas.  Then there was three sets of road construction that had us wait about ten minutes each. We are not griping because the road was needing the repairs quite badly.

We followed the road on around to Jourdanton where there is a fantastic truck stop with competitive gas prices and easy maneuvering for a travel trailer. We stopped there for a few minutes of food and rest and hit the road rolling onward.

Soon we merged onto I-37 headed towards Corpus Christi, Texas. The plan was to get to the Texas Travel Stop at about mile marker 82 and shut down for the night. We arrived safe but tired. The spot we got was the same one we have occupied a few other times.

The OFM slithered out like a sore back lazy snake. After a few minutes of slithering he was able to get fully upright and walk like a fat human. He grabbed the camera to see what needed to have its picture taken. Yea look at that rose. You know he has to take a picture of a flower if one is around. Check out this rose center. We think they are simplicity roses.

As he meandered like a goooood meanderthall he noticed that a picture available was screaming SOUTH TEXAS. So he grabbed the picture.

Now we ask you does anything scream SOUTH TEXAS more than a picture of a Yucca in bloom with oil wells in the background?

Any way after a bit of meandering the OFM was feeling rested and perky. (Can a heavily overweight Old Fat Man actually feel perky?) So he chose to try our luck at making it the two hours to the Rockport Walmart to try our luck at our first Walmart dry camping. As you already know we made it after dark and had a wonderful night.

Forward to tonight. Check out this eerie night picture of a nearby tree and the lighting. All it needs is a witch on a broom flying by.

Say that brings up another question for tonight. Would riding a flying broom at night be a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun? 

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