
Beautiful Blue

Adventure Location: Del Rio, TX
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What a day it has been! First as breakfast was prepared the propane tank ran empty. The OFM chunked on some warm and ran outside to switch it over. Why doesn’t he leave it on automatic switchover? Because it works so good that when he notices it is on the second tank and empty is when there is not propane left for the burners. Switching the regulator over lets him know that a tank needs refilling. So we never run out of propane this way.

Then we finally diagnosed a trouble with the solar battery bank. It is called total failure. The two batteries would show 13.04 volts. Then turn on an led light and in an hour it would be down to 12.2 volts or less. When it was all said and done a new battery from Walmart was installed and the two year and a half AGM batteries were eliminated from the Teams.

But the good news is that we stumbled upon a mountain laurel bush that was blooming early this year.

They certainly make beautiful blossoms that seem to glow in the sunlight.

Now the OFM is heading to take a couple of bottles of ibuprofen after all the squatting, lifting and general discomforting positions he had to assume while taking the old batteries from under his bed.  Putting the new battery in was less stress since it was about 15 pounds lighter.

So tomorrow  he will be likely looking for easier tasks for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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