

Adventure Location: Del Rio, TX
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Why is it for over fifty years when the OFM hears SUPERBOWL he thinks of a popcorn eating contest?

It has been an extremely busy day again. Lots of pictures were taken. Lots of folks helped with BBNP information as well as Seminole Canyon SP. Two sets of folks got goodbyes and headed out. The OFM got in over a mile of walking in three parts. 

Then late this afternoon a park ranger came rolling through, pulled up next the OFM as he was walking back from taking sunset pictures. It was Alex, who is a wonderful young man, and we talked for nearly an hour. The good news is that the park got some more help in to square the park away better. 

We talked about the border crossing troubles and the OFM feels that the trouble is minor around here and being handled well. That was a great bit of information.

Anyway the OFM has about a hundred photos to do his magic on before they appear in a blog entry. As usual this area is very productive of blog fodder and exercise.

As a way of rest, the OFM sat at a table and took about 25 sunset pictures as the sun set. Then he culled down to one and did a bit of cropping to it. Then he did a bit of color balancing on it so it looks like what we saw tonight. Here it is in all its glory.

Yep we came awfully close to having tooooo much fun today.

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